SANGAM International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
ISSN: 2584-086X (Online)
This International Multidisciplinary Journal will highlight the latest developments in the field of Engineering, Science, Management, Arts, Law, Pharmacy and Agriculture based on simulations, soft computing, hardware development and interdisciplinary research on future aspects. This journal will provide an ideal platform to the students, researchers, industrialist and academician to highlight the recent developments and to identify the emerging and future areas of the growth in the relevant field. It will also bring the newer and efficient techniques for optimizing the resources required by the industries.
Impact -Expected Outcome – Academic / Social / Commercial
• This Multidisciplinary Journal will provide a strong base and knowledge about the latest developments in related areas
• It will be a platform to provide industry interaction, sharing of knowledge among academicians, researchers and industrialists.
• It will display the latest developments, research and projects in the related areas.